Collective action for relationships and sexuality education (RSE)

Who We Are
Our Roots
Bloom-ED is the national peak advocacy body committed to ensuring evidence-based Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is accessible to all people in their homes, schools , communities, and online spaces. Successful RSE has many positive outcomes that result in healthier hearts, minds, bodies and people.
We are a collective of educators, researchers, sexologists, students, teachers, parents, young people and activists who operate as an alliance - in conjunction with other organisations - to advocate for comprehensive RSE. Learn more about our hopes for RSE here.
At the current time our focus is on improving RSE delivery in Australia, particularly for children, adolescents and young people, but watch this space...

the story behind our logo
The Bloom-ED logo was created by Emmi Rumsa, a graphic designer based in Boorloo, Whadjuk Country (Perth, Western Australia). Please check out Emmi's other work here​. This logo reflects our hope for Bloom-ED. It is a depiction of an Australian native that represents growth, diversity and health.